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Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 1:30pm

Lord James Battersly

Name James Arthur Battersly The Viscount Hawthorne

Position The Marquess' Brother

Rank Lord

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 37

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 190 Lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description James is tall, fit, and quite handsome. He has brown hair, blue eyes, and a strong jaw. He often alternates between seasons with facial hair and seasons without.


Spouse Elizabeth Battersly
Children Beatrice Catherine Battersly
Victoria Anne Battersly
Jonathan James Battersly
Father Cecil Battersly, 2nd Marquess of Ribble (Deceased)
Mother Catherine Battersly nee Reznikov
Brother(s) Archibald Battersly, The Marquess of Ribble

Personality & Traits

General Overview A sharp-witted man with a bold personality, James is not afraid to insist upon his way of doing things. Though he can go against the grain, he loves his family and the work he does.

Personal History 1864 - Born at Thrushstone Park
1876-18881 - Attended Eton College
1881-1884 - Attended Christ Church, Oxford
1884 - Joins the Royal Army, Stationed in Northern India as a Second Lieutenant
1885 - Elopes with Elizabeth
1886 - Beatrice Born, Promoted to First Lieutenant
1888 - Victoria Born
1891 - Promoted to Captain, Returned from India
1892 - Discharged from Royal Army, Elected to the House of Commons
1893 - Jack Born
1895 - Appointed Minister for the Royal Army in the Department of War
1900 - Made Viscount Hawthorne; started Hawthorne & Co.