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Mon Aug 26th, 2024 @ 8:41pm

Lord Archibald Battersly

Name Archibald Battersly

Position The Marquess of Ribble

Rank Lord

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 44

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 180LBS
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Dark Blue
Physical Description Archie is relatively tall man, looking every bit the Englishman. He dresses in the styles of the day and always looks impeccable.


Spouse Mary Battersly
Children Louis Battersly
Fredrick Battersly
Margaret Battersly
Father Cecil Battersly, 2nd Marquess of Ribble (Deceased)
Mother Catherine Battersly nee Reznikov

Personality & Traits

General Overview Archibald is usually a pretty serious guy. He was raised with the knowledge that he would inherit the estate and the title of Marquess of Ribble from his father.
Hobbies & Interests Cricket, Reading, Hunting, Riding

Personal History Archibald has always been a strong fellow who loves athletics. The first heir to have been born at Thrushstone Park after his mother was dispatched there by his father, he spent many years away from him. This was of course relatively normal for children of the aristocracy.

Returning home to Thrushstone during his school holidays, Archibald was heavily influenced by his grandfather Alexander and grew up to be conscientious, if a little more relaxed than his grandfather.

He was the first of the Battersly’s to have no connection to the family’s overseas holdings. He wanted to be able to devote his full time to managing the estate, and pursue ventures closer to home. Archibald worked himself hard for years, learning the ins and outs of a new budding industry in the north of England. Namely, the manufacturing sector.