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Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 10:23am

Lady Felicity Battersly

Name Felicity Catherine Battersly

Position The Marquess' Daughter

Rank Lady

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5'3"
Weight 103lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Margaret has long chocolate brown hair, that is thick yet straight. She has the maids usually put it into braids atop her head or fashion some kind of wavy curled style. When out in public, her hair is most always tied up on her head, with a few wispy strands to frame her cheeks, but when she is home with just her family, she has her hair maybe in one or two braids down her back. She rarely ever has it just down around her shoulders unless it's curled or pulled back even just a little so as not to hide her face. She's petite for her age but she tries to eat healthy and not too many sweets, wanting to have a good figure. She takes walks around the grounds often.


Father Lord Archibald Battersly
Mother Lady Mary Battersley
Brother(s) Louis Battersley, Earl of Marnemouth
Lord Frederick Battersley

Personality & Traits

General Overview Felicity grew up learning to be a young lady--all of the rules and etiquette applied to her and she stuck to it. She often feels like she's molding herself to society's expectations, having to fit herself into what is expected when she knows there's more out there to be had, just not for young ladies.

She's the quieter of the twins, often letting others speak first before she puts her two cents in, preferring to observe carefully before deciding what action, if any, is to be taken. She puts duty over ambition, compassion over her own desires. When she is around people she is comfortable with, however, she has a very quick wit and lighthearted nature, though she often puts the needs of others before her own and often keeps her own opinions close to the chest.
Hobbies & Interests Her favorite hobby is art--she likes to sketch and can often be found carrying her sketchbook and graphite pencils around the grounds. She has also begun instructions learning to water color and has thoughts of visiting Paris to see the museums there. She is also quite skilled at the piano forte from many years of practice, and likes to entertain guests with her playing when she asked to, though she prefers not to sing in public. She is also fluent in French and wants to learn Italian.