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Sibling Comfort

Posted on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 2:45pm by Lord Fredrick Battersly & Lady Felicity Battersly
Edited on on Mon Jul 22nd, 2024 @ 4:34pm

0 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Death of a Monarch
Location: Amethyst Bedroom, Thrushstone Park
Timeline: February 5, 1901 - 2300 Hours

Fred knew it wouldn't be considered "proper" but he needed to check in with his twin and she had retired for the night. He knocked on her bedroom door. He had with him the book she had requested. Not that giving it to her would make her, or him, feel any better.

Felicity was sure she wouldn’t be able to sleep even despite having had her hair brushed and braided back into one long braid as she liked to wear her hair at night, and reclining in bed. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw her mother’s weak smile as she kissed her goodbye before their trip to London. And now, she’d never see that smile again. She determined to draw it but she couldn’t get it right, and so around the end of the bed were several sheets of wadded up paper. She couldn’t see the paper, her tears of frustration and grief mingled together as they ran down her cheeks.

Hearing a knock at the door she straightened quickly. “One moment.” She called out. She wondered who it could be—she knew most of her family had probably turned in, even if they weren’t asleep for the moment. She got up and put on her robe, tied it about her waist and went to the door and opened it.

“Fred!” She could hug her brother right now for coming. She had felt so alone after Baba Katya had finally gone home. “Do you want to come in?” She stepped back from the door and went about cleaning up her mess.

Fred nodded. "How are you holding up Lees?" he asked walking in and closing the door. "Its just too horrible. I don't know what to say or how I'm supposed to act."

Her eyes were swollen and red from crying all afternoon. She hadn’t been able to make herself eat much either, even though Baba Katya had encouraged her to try. She shook her head. “I feel utterly lost…it just…it seems so sudden…” she sniffed, trying to keep herself from crying in front of her brother.

He pulled her into a hug. "Its okay Lees. You can cry if you need too. Louis and Father won't be able too in front of people, maybe even grandmama but its just me. We have no hiding from each other."

Fred was right, as long as she could remember, from a very early age, they promised they wouldn’t ever keep secrets from each other. She wasn’t one to complain much, but he was usually able to pry her thoughts from her, because he was such a thoughtful brother.

He pulled her into a hug and she buried her head in his shoulder, wrapped her arms around him and let herself cry for a moment. Their family wasn’t the best at showing emotions, but at a time like this she wouldn’t blame anyone, least of all her older brother Louis, especially not her papa. But Fred was right; they wouldn’t dare shed a tear in public.

She extricated herself gently after a few moments and wiped away her tears. She sat down on the edge of her bed and let out a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves.

"What was the last thing Mama said to you? She told me to eat more." It felt horrible. How he wished that the last time he had seen her, he had said "I love you mama." No he had just agreed to eat more and then said goodbye.

She gave him a small smile. “I told her I’d miss her in London, but that I hoped we would go together when the season started. She…she only told me to have a nice trip and to stay close to you and Baba. I promised I would and kissed her goodbye…” She blinked back more tears. “Oh Fred…I just want to see her smile again. I’ve tried to draw it but I-I can’t get it right…”

"On that," he muttered knowing he felt exactly the same. He'd give anything to see their mother smile again. He pulled the book out his pocket. He had managed to get it while shopping for suits with Lady Charlotte.

"I know its rotten timing but here's that anatomy drawing book you wanted. When your ready for it," he tried to smile but it came out sadly. He placed it on her desk. "Father can never know I gave you that. Or Louis. But maybe it will help you get the smile right. I rather think Mama would get a kick out of it though. I think she knew I sneaked you things I shouldn't. She caught me with that history of art one a year back. I came up with a lie making out it was for my mate at school. Don't think she bought it at all. She just smiled and said "I was such a kind boy,"

Their mother had been a clever woman, she had to have known. And as he hadn't had his arse handed to him by his father, she hadn't told him.

Felicity's eyes widened in surprise as he showed her the book and put it on her desk. She had asked her brother if it was possible for him to sneak her an anatomy book--forbidden for it's very improper view of the male and female body, only men would be allowed to have such a thing but Fred--he understood her need, her desire to be an artist. It couldn't have come at a better time.

Her eyes watered again as he spoke of their mother, she had guessed her mother knew all sorts of things they did and tried to keep secret from the rest of the family. From a young age, the two of them had even developed their own language of sorts, that was how close they were to each other. Felicity had missed him terribly when he went off to school, though she would often write him.

"Oh Fred, you are kind. Thank you for the book." She wiped her tears. She would have thought she'd have dried up by now, with all the crying she had done already. "I'm so glad you're home, Fred." She had felt lonely, even with the tutors and the lessons, and dinner parties from time to time, she felt like her other half was gone when Fred wasn't home.

"Well I'm home for good now Lees," he nodded. "But I can still find excuses to go to town when you need more supplies. I've friends can be visited. Well once the mourning periods over. But I'll be honest. Now I have my exams all done and passed I have no clue what I'm supposed to do next. Louis is being trained up on the Estate ready to take over from Papa once ... well lets not even think about that outcome ...... "

They had just lost one parent. He didn't want to entertain thinking about losing both any time soon. And he doubted their father would ever step down.

"I'm really good at numbers. Do you think they might let me help with the accounts?" he mused.

Felicity was glad that at least her twin would be home for good, now. She always felt closer to Fred than anyone else in the house, and when he left it was like half of her left with him. It was good to see him, though she worried about how thin he was. She shook her head as he talked about Louis being trained up on the Estate should anything happen to their father--she couldn't bear to think of it, not now.

She was proud of her brother, for learning and doing well in school. She had been a bit jealous of him really, that he'd gotten to go away to school while she had to stay at the house and help with charity work and have French lessons, it seemed much less useful than what Fred was learning at school. "You could always ask, but I suppose that would be the work of an agent, wouldn't it? But surely they'll have to help you find something to do."

Fred nodded. "I better go. Its getting late. I suppose we just try get some sleep," he said. Whether it would come was a different matter. Well at least she had that book to try keep her mind off things if it didn't. "I'll see you in the morning," he said giving her shoulder a quick squeeze.

Felicity gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Fred. For everything. Sleep well.” She didn’t know if she would get much, but she supposed her brother was right, they should both try.


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