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Posted on Tue Aug 20th, 2024 @ 10:11am by Mr Ralph Compton & Mrs Millicent Price & Mr Cristóbal Santana

1,116 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Death of a Monarch
Location: Downstairs, Thrushstone Park
Timeline: February 5, 1901 - 1930 Hours

"Mr. Santana," Compton's words preceded him walking in to the Kitchen. The young Butler was trying to get a handle on things since arriving home. This new chef arrived just a couple of days before her ladyship had passed, and while the rest of the family was away. "I was wondering if you have something some time to talk?" He asked, gesturing with his head in the direction of his room off the basement's main hallway.

Cris was standing in the kitchen scrubbing a pot when he heard the footsteps of his visitor. It wasn’t unusual for people to walk in and out of the kitchen on a regular basis, so he didn’t even bother to look until he heard the sound of the butler’s voice. His hands stopped their scrubbing and he turned around, showing his incredibly handsome tanned face.

“Yes, Mr. Compton.” He started to answer, his Spanish accent thick, “when I finish here, I will come to see you in the pantry. What is it you want to talk about, please?”

Mr. Compton smiled slightly. "Just want to get us acquainted, and make some introductions." He replied, craning his neck as if it would help him to understand the man's accent.

Cris nodded, causing his curly brown hair to tussle under the white chef’s hat he was wearing. He gave the slightest smile, which was a mixture of optimism and caution. He was a young man, and his unique abilities in the kitchen alone had earned him such a prestigious post.

“Sí. A few minutes.” With that, he turned back to the plates in the sink. Some cooks left cleaning to the scullery maids alone, but Cris was having a hard time remembering that fact. In Spain and in France, he had always done his own washing, and somehow it felt ungallant to put the responsibility on someone else when he himself was available. When the work was done, Cris stepped out of the kitchen and walked to the pantry.

The Butler's Pantry was something of a private office for the Butler. Here the wine ledger was kept, along with all the keys, and the plate vault. Compton was still rather new to most of this, and though he put on a brave face he was mostly faking his way through every situation that arose. Thankfully, Mrs. Price had been around for a fair bit longer and was much obliged to show Compton the ropes.

The door to the pantry was open, and just inside Compton and Mrs. Price were sat together at a small round table near the rooms window well. "Mr. Santana, come join us." Called the housekeeper, pouring herself a cup of tea from a simple porcelain teapot. "Tea?" She asked, something of a warm smile painted on her face.

“Sí, Señora.” Cris answered as he pulled out a chair and sat down. As he watched her pour the tea, he studied the two of them with lively eyes. “I would like to thank the both of you for your…how do you say..instruction in the…tradición ..of the English great house. I know my presence here is…unusual.”

"Downright strange if you ask me." The words left Compton's mouth before he could think about them.

Mrs. Price took a deep breath, shooting a look towards the butler before returning her gaze to the Spanish cook. "We are pleased to help." The woman spoke gently and slowly. "There was a time when having a foreigner in the kitchen would have been enough to scare away any potential houseguest. But not now." She smiled warmly.

Cris smiled at the awkwardness of the interaction, recognizing the tension but not shying away from it. He was a man of quiet passion, always led by his dreams into every new phase of his life. His presence in this grand English house was no accident; he was very much here on purpose, and he understood the uncertainty and discomfort that might cause.

Leaning forward slightly, he spoke with a mixture of determination and humility. "Yes, I know this. I am here to learn as much as to serve. I am very grateful for your kindness and generosity toward me in such an odd situation. My English is not perfect, but I am learning, and I respect the traditions of this house. My hope is that, in time, I can earn your trust.”

Millicent Price smiled slightly. "it'll be a learning curve for all of us, to be certain. But, what are we all here for if not to learn from one another?" The Housekeeper had watched as the last cook was dismissed for arguing with her Ladyship about some new recipes they were eager to try upstairs, the cook before that left because she felt the kitchen renovations were 'too modern' and 'weren't made to cook in'. Deep down she felt that Mr. Santana was the progressive and open minded cook that Thrushstone needed.

Mr. Compton continued to looked the Spaniard up and down. "I trust we won't have to remind you that this is an English house, and the family prefer an English menu. " The young man crossed his legs at the knee, not taking his eyes off of Santana.

"It is for this I came to your country." Cris said, offering a handsome smile and opening his hand in a gesture of acceptance. "My dream is to be a master chef. To do this, I must study the cuisine of all Europe and, perhaps, beyond. That does not mean I will force any do you say...exoticisms onto the family. You, on the other hand, will be in for many surprises."

The man grinned from ear to ear, his gorgeous features communicating his lighthearted and emotive personality.

"You are a man who likes a little adventure, I think?"

The young butler looked a bit flustered. He blushed and brushed at his knees with his hands, his eyes now fixed on his teacup. "I erm.. I don't know if I'd say that, no." In truth, the most 'adventure' that had befallen Ralph Compton was the odd trip to London.

Mrs. Price allowed herself a small chuckle. "I think you'll find most of us down here haven't had many real adventures in our lives. I'm sure there's more than a few in this house who've never even been out of Lancashire." She paused, "I'm sure we're all open to whatever venturesome things you have in mind for us Mr. Santana. The English just like a little warning is all." She lifted her cup to her lips, a genuine smile stretched her lips.


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